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You in flood city

You in Flood City


You in Flood City

Serving the Greater Johnstown Region
Johnstown, PA

You in Flood City is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that focuses on encouraging and initiating unique events and experiences in the Flood City area. Their broad focus on serving the whole community has allowed them to implement annual downtown events while also lending a hand where needed by promoting local businesses, beautifying Johnstown, and shedding a new light on a small town loved by locals, transplants, and boomerangs alike.

Annual Events:

FEB/MAR (Saturday before Fat Tuesday)
Johnstown Mardi Crawl
Downtown Johnstown

MARCH (Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day)
Paddy’s Day Pub Crawl (in partnership with the Ancient Order of the Hibernians)
Greater Johnstown region

OCTOBER (Third Saturday in October)
Johnstown Zombie Crawl
Downtown Johnstown

NOVEMBER (Beginning Black Friday thru Christmas eve)
Johnstown Shop Small Crawl
Greater Johnstown region

You in Flood City
Serving the Greater Johnstown Region
Johnstown, PA United States
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