Allegory Gallery – Jewelry, Beads, and More!

al·le·go·ry /ˈaləˌɡôrē/ (noun) 1. a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning…
Allegory Gallery is a small shop that sells artisan beads, beading tools, and jewelry. The space also dually functions as an art gallery that displays and sells the works of other artists. The store was originally open for business in Ligonier, PA but moved to Johnstown in June. The store itself is housed in a building that used to function as a general store, and the store owners are keeping true to that feeling by keeping the original flooring and revamping the old ice box into a display cabinet for their wares.
The owners, Andrew and William, are focused on bringing the local community in for one of their classes, but they also encourage anyone to stop in the store during their regular hours to create something. The process of creating a piece of jewelry at Allegory Gallery starts with a simple question “What do you want to make?” and from there it all snowballs until you’ve created something unique and truly your own. The owners will often tell people who are new to the craft to pick out a bead that truly speaks to them and then build around that.
Speaking of beads…Allegory Gallery is home to hundreds and hundreds of beads imported from all around the world including locations such as Ethiopia and Africa. Beads were once used as a currency, so many cultures developed their style of bead or were influenced by trade from other cultures, so browsing the bead selection of this store takes you on a trip around the world!
Allegory Gallery is located at 608 Grove Avenue in Johnstown. If you can’t make it out to this incredible little store, you can also visit their website, to shop through some of their inventory.